How Can I Volunteer During the Holidays?

It’s that time of the year again!

November is here, and that means gearing up for the holiday get together and family feasts.

All of this holiday cheer also inspires people to give back to their community in some way.

We all want to make the holidays a little brighter, and while there are people in need all year round, the fall and winter months can be especially tough for members of our community.

Money is tight during the holiday season. And there are many families that have to make the choice between putting food on the table and saving for gifts or holiday decorations for their families.

While lots of people want to spend the holidays giving back by volunteering on Thanksgiving Day (and this is an amazing idea), this can sometimes lead to an overwhelming amount of help at the local organizations.

So while you are planning ways for you and your family to help in your community this year, here are some ways you can give to your community throughout the holiday season.

We will break this post down into a few different ways that you can donate because meaningful donations come in a variety of packages!

Regardless of your situation this year, you can make a difference if you want to!

Financial Donations

If you are in a position to make financial donations this year, that’s great! Here are some ideas that will make your donation last throughout the holiday season:

Secret Santa

Check in with your child’s school to see if they have information about holiday giving trees or Secret Santa events this year!

Donate to your local food bank.

They will be glad to have your donations, and they will be able to distribute those items to folks in need.

Not sure what to donate? Check out this blog post about the items commonly needed at food banks.

Make a donation to one of your favorite charities.

Many local and national charities are working hard to make the holidays a little easier for families in need! Here is a list of 15 charities to consider this year when making a holiday donation.

Adopt a family for the holidays!

While your child’s school might have a giving tree for children, there are many organizations that can distribute donations to an entire family.

Organizations that might have this information include:

  • The local women’s shelter

  • Your local food bank

  • Salvation Army

Volunteering Your Time

Serve a holiday meal.

Many places tend to offer holiday meals, so check your local church groups and restaurants to see if they offer these events!

Host a food drive!

Have a spare Saturday? This is a great time to host a food drive! This can be a fun family activity and a powerful way to outsource donations to your local food bank!

Here are some tips for hosting a food drive and some items food banks need throughout the year.

Shovel snow for folks with mobility issues in your neighborhood.

This is an immensely valuable way to volunteer your time!

Shoveling snow is tough enough when you’re young and fit, but it becomes nearly impossible for folks who have mobility issues or who may be battling illness.

This can be a great activity for the entire family to join!

Visit a nursing home.

The holidays are full of family and joy, but they can also be a lonely time for those who might not have family nearby.

Simply sitting down and reading a book or letting them share their stories can make a tremendous difference and brighten someone’s day!

Donating items you no longer need

Donate holiday food items to your local food bank!

Things that would make a traditional thanksgiving dinner can add up, but that doesn’t mean a homemade dinner with all of the trimmings should be out of reach for people.

Here are some common items food banks need, especially during the holiday season 

Please remember that food banks cannot accept outdated or perishable items

Donate gently used clothing that is no longer worn.

Warm clothing like winter coats, sweaters, boots and socks are so important during the holiday season!

Toys and games your children no longer play with

This can be a great way to get your entire family involved in the practice of giving back!

Please remember to give gently used things–not broken or dirty items.

These could end up being gifts for someone under the tree, so keep that in mind.

Quick acts of service:

If you'd like to help but don’t think the above options fit your lifestyle, that’s ok!

The quick act of sharing information about community dinners, giving trees, food drives, and other volunteer activities is very helpful!

It only takes a few seconds to hit that “share” button on social media, and you never know who may be looking for that information!

Some additional food for thought:

Times are tough, and there has been an increase in the number of individuals and families experiencing homelessness this year.

In this situation, a fridge, freezer, or stove access may be limited or unavailable.

Here are some holiday food items that help, even when someone is unhoused:

  • Canned items such as beans, fruits, or vegetables.

  • Dried fruit

  • Nuts

  • Bread

  • Peanut butter

  • Microwaveable meals that don’t require refrigeration (rice meals, cup-o-noodles, etc.)

  • Juice, Gatorade, and other shelf-stable, non-alcoholic beverages

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables that do not require refrigeration

As always, if you or anyone you know is in need of food assistance, come see us!

Click here for our hours of operation.


Reverse Advent Calendar—How to Get Your Whole Family Involved in the Donation Process


What Should I Donate to My Local Food Bank?